
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
I'm so curious as to who this pageview could be. It's been consistent that I have one reader at the very least. And for that, I thank you very much!

However... I know the world is quite cruel but I have considered moving to Tumblr. I love the interface of Blogger but I hardly get any interaction. And that's the thing.

I know that blogging isn't really just for the sake of others but it makes me feel better knowing that someone is listening.

That someone is actually interested in my shenanigans. 

I'm quite insecure, to be honest. But hey, if you'd like to follow me there in tumblr...

I'll be updating ♥

If you'd like to know what I've been doing lately, check out that link ^ 

I love you all and I think I miss blogging. I miss other bloggers and I wish it didn't come to this. Sigh. 
But sometimes we just got to go out there and put ourselves there. Anyway, see you all 

Take care and stay awesome ♥

Who knows, maybe I might swing by here again c:


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