F&B Review : Japanese Cream Sodas

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hello everyone!

It's really been ages since I've last updated. It's already half way through 2016! I can't believe it! I hope the first half has treated you well ♥ This year I've technically finished the semester but I have to get my internship process going, before I can call it quits at school. I've had to have a few coffees and some sodas to get me through the deadlines and assignments. None I could have had just for the heck of it! 

However, one time while I was out with family, I spotted some Japanese sodas! I later learned that they were cream sodas (which is a plus for me ♥)

Identity : Re-introduction

Monday, September 21, 2015
Hello readers!

I've been changing my blog a lot, I am aware and I have kind of discovered a bit about myself when doing that.

Every time I wanted to make a blog post, I've constantly been nitpicking on how I wanted to portray my blog; how I organized every element, how I wanted my blog to stand out but how should it stick out.

I've come to terms that : I'm very indecisive, I can be very attentive to detail, and I can't settle until I'm completely satisfied with my output.

I've also realized that I couldn't be happy with myself because I kept looking at other people and at their blogs and how I didn't want mine to look like theirs and how I wanted to be 'original'. That I wanted to be my own self but when I look at myself and I look back at them, all I see is a lot of similarities.

I'm still trying to find myself in the midst of all this but hopefully my blog will soon look like how I want it to be.

So hello, I'm Katrina. I'm never truly happy with what I make, but I'm happy with the progress. Eternally frustrated with shortcomings and my own incapability, but forever hopeful. Here's to those who stuck around and watched my blog change over and over again.

Love you all,

PS: I have class tomorrow and a date. I might blog about first day of class for the new term. :)

Another PS: To those who are reading this and are web designers and good with code, maybe you could send me your e-mail and I'd love to see if you could help me make this blog mine :)

SOCOHMS First Meeting

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Hello everyone!
July 16, we had our first meeting as an organization!

The poster I made for the meeting
I'm happy to say that the members were all quite early ! They arrived at 5:10/5:15 while we were still setting up.

 The following are just pictures taken during the meeting by our lovely treasurer, Gab Cobrado!

Regina (our Vice President) explaining the upcoming events!
 Then we had our ice breaker games!

And of course we got to eat and celebrate ! 

Thank you guys so much for attending the first meeting!
I personally hope we get to see you in future meetings and other events held by SOCOHMS

Kawaii Definition

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Hello everyone!

A lot of time has passed and today I'll talk about what does Kawaii mean to me!
It's quite personal so I hope you forgive me if I get a bit dramatic here and there ;;

Here we go!
Warning: Also some really old pictures of me during puberty days hahaha!


Years back there was a time I wanted to be really who I wanted to be. 

I wanted to get in Steampunk/Lolita/Sporty/Chic styles so much but I lacked the confidence.

I felt I couldn't bring it out in me. 

Then, I started following some cute style artwork. Mostly for myself because I found myself spending hours and hours looking through the cute items and just smiling to myself. I loved it and I wanted to be able to be a part of it. I tried making art like that.

When I see people wearing this style, it makes me want to be able to do that. I was jealous of people who can pull off the style. I was always self conscious but I wanted to express myself so badly.

I felt happy just looking at it but it never crossed my mind to internalize it. 
I thought,

"I couldn't pull off such a thing"
"I'm not cute, how can anyone find me attractive?"
"People already find me weird as it is.." 


But one day, (with help, thank you to those who helped me! ♥ ) I got better at coordinating my outfits and began being more presentable.
I felt my happiness radiating out of me.
I started to have a similar style to what I liked and it made me feel so comfortable.

Soon, I got into it even more and people started noticing it in me. 
And then suddenly!

Taken from the Kawaii Philippines Facebook Page!

I've got the 'Kawaii' Style
Kawaii = cute in Japanese.
The style may be deemed "childish" or "cosplay" by those who don't understand it.

I have to say that it's not. It's a just a way of lifestyle.
Kawaii meant being able to appreciate myself and be who I wanted to be through this style; whether it be in clothes or in lifestyle.

To my readers who are shy and may not also have an opportunity to be kawaii then here is your chance!

If you have a blogspot, please check this out!

She is doing a wonderful giveaway with really adorable prizes!

Deadline of entries is July 29 (Wednesday) so you have a few more days left! 

Please check out the links to get more information about the give away!

Magnolia Flavour House : Cafe Review

Sunday, June 21, 2015
Hello everyone!

This post is first impressions/ cafe review

I only tried a good amount of their desserts but I hope this gives you an insight of what
to expect from Magnolia Flavour House!

I went there the first time with Lee and now the second time with my family !
I hope you enjoy, please comment when you get the time to visit there as well

First Visit

Le Cat Coffee Shop: Cafe Review

Thursday, June 4, 2015
Hello everyone! June 3 (Wednesday) was super eventful!

The last event for that day was visiting a cat cafe which is located within my area!
I was so happy to learn about it from Ate Chai who posted a video about it so Lee and I went to visit the very next day. 

This is mostly a first impressions review but I will most likely come back to take more pictures and actually order more of their products
(I also apologize in advance for blurry shots ;; )

Hello again! June 6 (Saturday), I returned to the cafe and made it a point to actually dine inside.
Small update, but my insights on the cafe all in all
Cafe insights and additional info are down below!

Pretty Spaces, Organize Yours!

Friday, May 22, 2015
Hello everyone!

I've been itching to write a blog post but sadly I don't really go around and socialize since I'm usually stuck at home . But, this has given me time to reflect on myself and who I want to be.

My bedroom is where I spend most of my time and accomplish all my school work. 

So I decided to let it reflect myself and inspire me more!
I got some materials and here's what I have so far :)

 This is "My Wall" 

All the decor you see has been organized by me. The posters were given to me while everything else will be explained further in the post! If you like it so far, please keep reading and you can also get some ideas from me on how you can achieve it yourself :) 

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