But He said She Said...??

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Don't we get this a lot?

We say this but they get that? It's really frustrating when your message doesn't get across! Sometimes, the damage is small, but in other cases, the damage is great.

During my hospitality class, we discussed how important communication is. If we misinterpret the request of the guest, we will not only lose business from him but we might even lose future business with other clients!

And this doesn't only affect the business world; relationships are also caught in the crossfire!

So what can you do to make yourself understood?

These steps are very crucial when you are speaking through a telephone!

These steps are still applicable in person though.


{ Seek first to understand, then to be understood }

This is the foundation of getting a message across. First you must understand where the person is coming from. You must empathize.

There's a difference between sympathizing and empathizing. Sympathy is showing support, you feel sorry for someone's trouble. that's it.

Empathy is the ability to share the person's emotions. You can put yourself in that person's shoes. This is important in everything!

{ Speak clearly }

How can anyone understand you if you end up just mumbling to yourself? Speak up! Make yourself heard! And remember, in every relationship, communication is key. You can't exactly say what your partner is thinking about with 100% accuracy! That is why, you must talk it out.

{ Stay focused and LISTEN! }

If you will listen, then your other party should also listen as well. Would you talk to someone who doesn't listen to you? Unlikely!! And when someone is talking to you, stay focused so you can understand where they are coming from.

{ Have a Plan }

If you are going to confront somebody or don't know how to begin talking, write down key notes on what you want to say and how you want to say it. Especially if you're writing a speech, you can go over the key notes and have a flow of information going smoothly!

{ Watch your Actions }

Especially when you are standing right in front of the person you are talking to, your body language may be sending mixed signals. However, some mannerisms are normal to the person so it's best to understand what is normal for the speaker and what is not. 

Crossing your arms can deliver a wall, making it appear that you are not listening or refuse to listen. Backing away from the person after hearing a statement from them would be like a retreat. Anything you may do, can be interpreted negatively so it's very important that you watch your actions.

{ Control Your Emotions }

No one will take you very seriously if you yell. They may get intimidated, they are more likely to not listen to you, they may also get riled up as well. This is why remain calm. Take a couple of breaths or count numbers to stay calm. You may also leave the area or say "I need to clear my head/ I need to calm down" so that your emotions won't do the talking.

Sometimes when we are upset, we say things we do not mean. Our emotions can take control over us that is why we must be able to control our emotions.

Crying while you are talking is also bad. It is very difficult to talk through tears so collect yourself and give yourself a minute or two to get your thoughts together. 

If you have anger management issues, maybe seek some help or find a way to calm yourself down.

I am not saying getting emotional while talking is bad, but realize that getting to overwhelmed by your emotions can ruin the credibility of your message. 

You need to get your message across as clear as possible and in one piece.

I hope this gave you some insight on how avoid miscommunication!

This takes a lot of practice especially performing the last step. It's okay to make mistakes and it's okay not to get it right the first time! We are all human and we slip up a lot. 

Take care and till next time! ♥


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