Ungodly Hour

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Just this morning, my mom woke me up to accompany her to the airport. It was 6:30 in the morning and I slept rather late last night. I kind of crashed and burned because of the caffeine I had yesterday and junk I ate.

But none the less, I dressed up as fast as I could and we hit the road. Unlike others, I'm really a morning person! So if you have a hard time getting up, I'll give you some tips on how to get up early and be energetic and go about your day! :)

But He said She Said...??

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Don't we get this a lot?

We say this but they get that? It's really frustrating when your message doesn't get across! Sometimes, the damage is small, but in other cases, the damage is great.

During my hospitality class, we discussed how important communication is. If we misinterpret the request of the guest, we will not only lose business from him but we might even lose future business with other clients!

And this doesn't only affect the business world; relationships are also caught in the crossfire!

So what can you do to make yourself understood?

Movie Review!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while.

My last update was about the Kawaii in Manila con, so please check that out if you're interested ♥.

>>> Kawaii in Manila post <<<<


So anyway! As I said in a previous blogpost, I've watched some movies with my boyfriend. I haven't made a review yet because lately I've been sick and couldn't use my computer :( But anyway, here it is!!

Kawaii in Manila 2!

Saturday, August 2, 2014
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