Food Review: Bawai's Kitchen

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Hello everyone!

Last Sunday, we made plans to go to Tagaytay and try out this restaurant called 'Bawai's Kitchen' !
The owner apparently was one of our previous neighbors and moved out a long while back. The cuisine in this restaurant is Vietnamese ! I'm not very familiar with the Vietnamese food but from all the positive reviews I've heard about this place, I kept an open mind and an empty stomach !

The Bawai's Kitchen was actually quite difficult to find.
'A hidden gem' truly describes this restaurant.

What is also quite unique about this restaurant is that they encourage you to pre-order your food.
They are only open from Thursday to Sunday and their peak days are from Saturday to Sunday
(where reservation is strongly advised) 

Also the road was very narrow and difficult to find parking since there is limited space 
so please be wary!

A cute cat bell to welcome us
A woman combing her hair

Somewhat like a finding set up. The ceramic cup next to the goblet is for the tea served :)

This is what we ordered from Appetizer to EntreeAppetizer : Goi CuonSalad: Bawai's Salad
Entree: Com Suon Cha
     Curry Cha
                Tom Rang Me

Goi Cuon

It is served with peanut sauce
A very light and fresh.
I absolutely loved this dish 
Inside of the roll

Bawai's Salad

Sweet and light with some sour notes.

Tom Rang Me

Curry Ga
Nothing very special about this curry for me.
Did not have the 'wow' factor but still quite yummy!

Com Suon Cha

The meat was very tender and the fat in between could almost melt in your mouth.

Bawai's Tea

Presentation is awesome though I think it could use a garnish to really sell it c:
The flavor was orange since they didn't have they're signature lemon syrup.
Very good though for me it tasted like orange soda. 


I really loved the atmosphere of the restaurant; I believe that is one of their best selling points.
The dining area is at the 2nd floor and the wind and calm atmosphere really matched with the food served. Portion of the food seems like a lot for just one person but if you are to share a single dish, I think it's good to share from 2-3 people. We were 4 at the time but we managed to get full since we bought 3 entree's. 

Price: 4/5
This isn't exactly the best place for those who are on a tight budget.
The choices are quite pricey and portion seems a bit small for the price.
Though it does pack with flavor and is quite delicious so I'll give it that !


I think what really needs to improve is the service.
It took them a quite a while to serve and some couldn't even smile nor paid mind to us.
There was hardly any staff outside to watch over the guests in case we needed something.
The food, however, was absolutely delicious.

I would definitely come back and bring people with me 

  Thanks for reading 


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